He is hoping to be able to take care of the lesion arthroscopically. Two little poke holes in the front of the ankle - grab the lesion - out and done.

Only problem is - he is not sure he will be able to actually see or get to the lesion because of its location using this method. He is hoping that with enough pressure on the ankle to extend it to it's fullest - he will be able to do it this way. (At least that's what I think he said)
But he did say he will make the decision quickly whether he can do the arthroscopy or not - so that there is little swelling to deal with should he need to do open surgery.
Now, if he has to do the open surgery, he will open my ankle on the inside of the ankle bone, break the bone (the tibia) in order to get to the lesion on the talus, clean out the mess on the talus, screw the bone (tibia) back together and then close it all up.

I did ask about being awake for the surgery and while he doesn't really have an issue with it - it is something I need to discuss with the anesthesiologist. He did say though, that if he does have to do the open surgery - the spinal anesthesia may not last long enough and I may have to have general regardless. Not my favorite thing to hear or do. :-(
The simple surgery could be around an hour and a half, the more involved over 2.5 hours. While I SHOULD be coming home that same day - if the surgery is scheduled for later in the day and I'm awake for it - I may have to spend the night.
At this point there are too many variables to know for absolute sure what is happening or planned. Being able to "go with the flow" will be my best bet for the day.
Infection is one of the worst possible side effects - as is the potential of a blood clot. Since I do have a familial history of blood clots, he may put me on a blood thinner for a short time "just to be safe".
He also took time to re-examine the ankle and poke around it. He found some exquisitely sweet spots on it - despite the fact that daily pain has been minimal. (Except for walking on the beach on Sunday - something I love to do - but the sand and bare feet was not kind to the ankle.
So - surgery is on - approved by insurance. Extra visits to the surgeon have been approved. Meds will be approved by insurance if necessary and available at my local pharmacy. Handicapped parking decal already obtained....
I still have "crutch training" to do....that should be a load of fun....

So - slowly the house is getting ready...I've taken up the old carpet in our front room and installed a wood floor...dining room and hall are next - then I can freely slide my behind from couch to potty as necessary after my surgery.....
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