
Welcome to my blog. This is a place for me to vent and share about my adventures with an bum ankle. Join me as I make the effort to heal and be somehwat normal once again!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

So time to catch up again....

Surgery went well - as scheduled on July 17th. I was scheduled for 9 AM and that's when it was and I was home before 1 PM.

I was in a splint for two weeks. No weight bearing for eight weeks. Back to work at 10 days and did the county fair at two weeks. Whew!
This time around some big differences. First of all - IT HURT! Right in that bone on the left. The OCD this time around was 1.1cm - so about twice the size of last time - and apparently lots of debris since my doctor called it a "massive crud-ectomy". It still tends to hurt some, but I'm hoping that will go away. Plus, I have lots more swelling this time around - so much so that my big toe is "numb" and I can't bend my toes much. Feels like the ball of the foot is also swollen - which makes now starting to weight bear a bit more challenging.

After the last time I did this - I knew I had to do something to make my crutches work better for me. Doctor's office wanted me to do the knee-roller thing - but to me, that's a lazy way. I'd rather expend the energy I'm not spending because of the healing process on something that will actually "work" some of my body. So I played around and created this -

They are removable crutch covers designed to make the crutches comfortable, fun, fashionable and FUNCTIONAL. There are pockets to hold things. One hidden at the inside top for cell phone/keys and one outer pocket that is sized to hold a water bottle or other kind of drink, a tablet, book, mail, etc. People have actually been going pretty crazy over them since I've been using them. So much so that they are now Patent Pending. The interest has been so strong that I started a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the funds to complete the formal patent so we can start getting them out to people. 
Kickstarter link in the QR code

We're also on Facebook - www.facebook.com/CrutchSleeves and Twitter - www.twitter.com/CrutchSleeves.

I'm excited that this simple little idea has sparked such interest globally. We are trying to partner with the local Children's Hospital as well to get Mini-Sleeves to their patients on crutches - we think the kids will adore them!

So - that's what's up. I'm up to weight bearing (as of three days ago) and it's a slow go - but it's a go.

Adventures continue!!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

So - it's time to play the "catch-up" game again....

First issue that we were facing last time was the insurance issue. I put in my request for changes on time and never heard from our agent here at work. I emailed him repeatedly, only to be told that due to AHA (Affordable Healthcare Act) - the insurance companies were running w-a-y behind on making changes, so I should just be patient and eventually it would come through.

Flash forward about four months - I FINALLY get an answer on the insurance. The change never went through - "someone" dropped the ball - who, we can't be sure because everyone is pointing the finger at everyone but themselves. God  bless my boss, who opted to help me out. The good news is - I have insurance. How much this surgery will cost me could be potentially good or bad news...

So - now into June - and I go back to visit the new doc. I explained my delay in scheduling the procedure and he's ok and says we can work on payments.

God bless him!

He sends me for a new MRI - just to make sure the damage is no worse. The good news - not any worse. Thank God for small miracles...

Surgery is now officially scheduled - July 17 - a Thursday morning, at the practice's stand alone facility. I'll be out of work for at least a week, if not two. Then comes our county-fair, where I am a Division Chair for Home Arts - meaning I practically live there for the week. Should be fun on crutches, two weeks post surgery...

Whatever possessed me to choose to be on crutches during the hottest time of year here - I'll not quite figure out - but we're doing it.

Hopefully - this will fix things once and for all.....because I really need to dance.....