So - the surgeon referred me for an MRI. The first hospital that I was referred to couldn't get me in until the end of June (and by then I am hoping to be healed and on my road to recovery). I called a second hospital and they were able to get me in yesterday - so I jumped at the appointment.
Everyone at the hospital was nice and cordial. They did everything in their power to make me comfortable and happy.
The tech who did my MRI was wonderful. He explained things to me and answered all my questions. He warned about the noise and handed me headphones with "background music". I put them on and it was a "soft music" station - but they were playing some stuff with a good beat. Kind of hard not to be tapping my toes to the beat. ;-)
So this was my first ever MRI. I savored the entire experience.
I had to jump up on the table and place my right foot and ankle into this contraption that was similar to the bottom half of a foot/leg cast. The foot had to be flexed so that the tendons could be seen more clearly. (This was painful in and of itself - flexion for an extended period....) Once I was in this contraption, the tech placed the other half of the foot portion of the "cast" over my toes and lower arch, and then another piece over the lower leg. He told me not to move - and I seriously doubt I could have moved my foot/ankle even if I wanted to. The uninjured, free leg was simply laying next to the whole contraption.
I laid down with the headphones and was slid into the machine. Since it was an MRI of the ankle, I was in to about the "empire" line (for those that don't understand that - just below my breasts).
I was fascinated by this whole process. The machine showed when the radio waves were being emitted by flashing a little "lightening bolt" on one side. The count-down clock was ticking on the other side and I could follow it for the length of time each particular wave set was going. Two minutes, three minutes...repeated over and with different sounds for each group. (I asked about the different sounds and the tech did say that there were different radio frequencies so that's what I was probably aware of). If I didn't have my contact lenses in, I probably would have snoozed off during this whole thing! :-D
I was really good through out until the last four minute "blast". Whatever that particular frequency was, it was uncomfortable on my ankle. While not painful enough to make me cry or cry out - it was enough pain to make me wince and it lasted through much of that four minute barrage of waves. The tech was surprised I "felt" it - but said it does happen on occasion.
Afterward, I got copies of both the films and the disk with all the shots of my ankle. Of course I looked at them, but I have no idea exactly what I'm looking for - so it was an exercise in futility.
The ankle felt no better - no worse - after this test. It still hurts and I know it will until the surgery.
Stopping at church for the fish fry later that evening - the minister was asking me about the ankle. When I told him I was definitely having surgery - he seemed saddened and concerned. I told him in my happiest voice that I was THRILLED to be having the surgery - because it was going to FIX the problem and I was not going to be hurting all the time any more. (Of course I know there will be pain during the healing and recovery process - but that is different than this pain.)
As soon as people start realizing that I'm happy to be getting this done and stop this kind of pain and limitations on my daily life - I will be a much happier camper.
Pain index - 1-no pain and 10-worst pain ever....
Pain index for Friday - probably 4-5
Pain index for Saturday - about 3-4 so far.....
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