Monday was quiet and I just sat with the leg elevated. I had it unwrapped and could handle it totally free for just a bit of time.

Tuesday, I ventured out for a hair appointment at the place where I am their guinea pig in exchange for color. My husband drove me - he didn't want me to drive He dropped me off at the facility and I clomped in with my crutches. Once in the salon area, my sling bag slipped off my shoulder and fell down right over my crutch. Made note to self - don't put just one string on my shoulder when I clomp with crutches. After that - nothing exceptional happened.
Tuesday evening, my youngest had her choral concert at school. I insisted on driving. Had to use my husband's truck - not a good choice - there is little leg room in it and I truly had no place to put my right leg and ankle. But I managed, and got to the school and saw and heard her sing. So who cares if I was uncomfortable? We then stopped at the local grocery store afterward and I treated her to a Rita's after that.
Wednesday day was quiet, but I had a meeting that night. Again, the family didn't want me to drive, so my middle daughter drove me there. Despite having my ankle up, it was uncomfortable and I couldn't wait to leave the meeting.
Thursday day - again quiet - lots of time for my ankle to be raised. But in the evening I had yet another meeting. I drove myself again - but this time in my car. This was a good trip and a good meeting. My only issue was that my string bag was too heavy with the things I had to turn in to people at that meeting. All-in-all - it was good - unless you want to consider my youngest re-breaking her finger at practice. So - when the meeting was over, I grabbed my my stuff and we left to go to the ER. The ER was packed and we didn't get home until after midnight. Talk about pain,swelling and exhaustion.
Today, I had my two week follow-up visit with my surgeon. He is please with my progress and I go back in two more weeks. I'm still no weight bearing, but I don't have to keep it wrapped. Everything I've been feeling is normal - which I thought but just wanted to ask and make sure. My stitches came out - I can take a real bath!!!! I'm still full no weight bearing for another two weeks until I see him again. But, I did get a script to start PT. He did say that the damage in my ankle was much worse than he thought and the lesion was HUGE! He also gave me no guarantees that this would solve all the issues in my ankle, or if it did, how long it might last...
I'm bruised. I'm swollen.
But I'm healing!!!
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