
Welcome to my blog. This is a place for me to vent and share about my adventures with an bum ankle. Join me as I make the effort to heal and be somehwat normal once again!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

So - it's time to play the "catch-up" game again....

First issue that we were facing last time was the insurance issue. I put in my request for changes on time and never heard from our agent here at work. I emailed him repeatedly, only to be told that due to AHA (Affordable Healthcare Act) - the insurance companies were running w-a-y behind on making changes, so I should just be patient and eventually it would come through.

Flash forward about four months - I FINALLY get an answer on the insurance. The change never went through - "someone" dropped the ball - who, we can't be sure because everyone is pointing the finger at everyone but themselves. God  bless my boss, who opted to help me out. The good news is - I have insurance. How much this surgery will cost me could be potentially good or bad news...

So - now into June - and I go back to visit the new doc. I explained my delay in scheduling the procedure and he's ok and says we can work on payments.

God bless him!

He sends me for a new MRI - just to make sure the damage is no worse. The good news - not any worse. Thank God for small miracles...

Surgery is now officially scheduled - July 17 - a Thursday morning, at the practice's stand alone facility. I'll be out of work for at least a week, if not two. Then comes our county-fair, where I am a Division Chair for Home Arts - meaning I practically live there for the week. Should be fun on crutches, two weeks post surgery...

Whatever possessed me to choose to be on crutches during the hottest time of year here - I'll not quite figure out - but we're doing it.

Hopefully - this will fix things once and for all.....because I really need to dance.....

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